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Mission Accomplished

by Julie Keon on January 15th, 2015

I admit, I am not the most consistent blogger and for good reason. For the last three years, I have been working on a book. I didn’t write every day in that three years and sometimes I would go months without writing but the act of writing a book was a part of my life for the last three years, nonetheless, and was an undertaking far more strenuous than I could have ever anticipated.
The great news is that my book is finished and will hit the shelves, so to speak, sometime in the spring 2015! To say that I feel a tremendous sense of relief would be an understatement. On top of relief, I feel sheer excitement at the thought of holding MY book in my hands, as well as, sheer terror at the thought of releasing it to the world.
It was so easy in December 2011 to announce that I was writing a book and it was easier still to tell people, “yes, I am writing a book.” Keeping it in the present tense meant that it was an ongoing process and there wasn’t the pressure of what finishing it entailed. But I did finish and for the last few weeks, the book has been edited again and will go through one final edit before heading to the first readers~ those who will provide reviews for the back cover! The cover design will be revealed soon enough and this crazy idea of writing a book will be a reality and I can start saying, “I wrote a book.” I will be a bono fide author.
I know there will be things, after publication, that I will wish I had included in this book. Hopefully, a second edition will come after it is a bestseller 🙂 and additional chapters need to be added.
I am excited to experience the unfolding of the next few months. This website will be completely renovated sometime in February/ March with a brand new blog about our life in this moment on this adventure of parenting through medical fragility. There will also be an option to pre-order and purchase the “What I Would Tell You” book through this website.
A lot in store for this new year of 2015. Bring it on!

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  1. Misty permalink

    Yipee, can’t wait to pre-order!!

  2. Lana permalink

    FANTAB-A-HOOBY! I guess it would be biased if they let your family be the first readers, huh?
    Looking forward to reading your ‘baby’, Jul.

  3. Johanna Mathieu permalink

    Congratulations on completing your book, Julie. Quite an accomplishment.
    Have missed your blogs.

  4. Betsy permalink

    So excited for you Julie!!!

  5. Michelle F permalink

    Congratulations Julie, such an accomplishment and many great things will follow!

  6. donna keon permalink

    Can’t wait !Congrats to you!

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